TTi Global is one of the world’s leading providers of business performance solutions. For more than 40 years, TTi Global has 2500+ employees. The elites are devoted themselves to the innovations and spreading them to 25 counties. TTi Global是全球領先的整體解決方案提供商。經過40多年的發展,TTi Global 已擁有超過2500名正式員工。這些行業精英們正在努力推動變革,并將各種成果推廣到5大洲的25個國家。 Through our diverse and innovative services, we help clients enhance their operations, educate their personnel and obtain a crystal clear view of their business, its employees and their customers.With the support of our worldwide network, we’re able to drive effective, impactful change locally, regionally or on a global scale – change that delivers real value and real results. 我們以豐富的形式、創新的服務,幫助客戶提升運營績效,培訓員工,使客戶對業務、員工與顧客有更為清晰的認知。TTi Global 的分公司遍布世界各地。無論是某個國家、某個地區,甚至是全世界范圍內,我們都能夠為客戶提供更高效、更貼近需求、更為本地化的服務。 TTi Global extended its business to China in 1996. Now TTi Global has around 300 employees and 6 offices in China. We are committed to providing effective and value added total solutions to our clients, including training, staffing, consulting service, marketing research and business solutions. 1996年TTi Global將業務拓展到中國,已在全國擁有近300名全職員工,在6個城市有辦公室,同樣致力于提供給客戶強大和綜合的培訓及咨詢解決方案,包括人員培訓解決方案,人員招聘,企業咨詢,市場研究,業務方案設計等。 For more information, please refer to our website: 敬請訪問我們的網站,以便得到詳細的信息。